Keith's Monsterama

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Monster Pics

Monster Pics 2

Monster Pics 3

The IT Page

Wuz up..

Monster Links

The Author

My Monster Guests

Jay and Silent Bob

My Monsters

My Awards

My Awards II

Amber Nelson's Page

The Author

My name is Keith Stewart, and this is my Monsterama website.

I'm so glad you could make it today. Your probably wondering who is this guy? Well I'm just a person who happens to like monsters. What do monsters do? They scare people, but it's all just for fun so don't be afraid.

I also like the World Wrestling Federation WWF, I like Star Wars, My favorite songs are Badtouch by The Blood Hound Gang, and Dr.Love by Kiss. I also like Pokemon. I also have a Pokemon Website at:


Check it out. 1166
<BGSOUND SRC="munsters.mid" LOOP="-1">

Keith Stewart
Ellettsville, Indiana



I started this Monster website on May 1, 2000.1166
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